
The House that BJ built

Book Title: The House That BJ built
Author: Anuja Chauhan
Genres: Fiction
Rating: 4
I'll make my sisters squirm like well-salted earthworms. I won't sell. Even my jutti wont sell. And if I die na, then even my gosht won't sell! The late Binodini Thakur had been very clear that she would never agree to sell her hissa in her Bauji's big old house on Hailey Road. And her daughter Bonu, is determined to honor her mothers wishes.
But what to do about her four pushy aunts who are insisting she sell? One is bald and stingy, one is jobless and manless, one needs the money to 'save the nation' and one is stepmother to Bonus childhood crush-brilliant young Bollywood director Samar Vir Singh, who promised BJ upon his deathbed that he would get the house sold, divvy the money equally and end all the bickering within the family.
The first word baby Bonu ever spoke was 'Balls' and indeed, she is ballsy, bullshit-intolerant, brave and beautiful. But is she strong enough to weather emotional blackmail by the spadefull? Not to mention shady builders, wily politicians, spies, lies and the knee-buckling hotness of Samars intense eyes? Sharply observed and pulse-quickeningly romantic, this is Anuja Chauhan writing at her sparkling best!
My last review 'Before I Go To sleep' byS.J.Watson was a group read in Goodreads. But I was little disappointed by the fact there wasn't enough discussion happening in the group. If not anything, it motivated me to read a book that I otherwise might not have picked up. Sometime later, when I saw book discussions on Indian Moms Connect(IMC)(a website I design craft kits for), I jumped at the opportunity of starting a book club afresh, that too with a subset of readers I can really connect with, Indian moms! Unfortunately by the time you read this review, the Book Club came to an abrupt end due to Technical issues. Nevertheless, we read the book 'The House that BJ built' by Anuja Chauhan. Once again, I managed to achieve the goal of picking an Author that I had been putting off for no reason. Better luck to me with BookClubs next time, sigh!

Since it was me who started this BookClub on IMC, I had the task of keeping the group alive and kicking. This led me to finding interesting trivia about the Author and the Book. One such was the term Jump sequel, which simply meant a sequel set in a different point of time. And then there was the Dubsmash with dialogues from the Book which was really funny :)

This book is a jump sequel to Those Pricey Thakur Girls which I haven't read. Few others in the BookClub who had already read this never mentioned much relevance or context. I hope I can safely say, it doesn't matter much whether you have already read the prequel or not.


There are few books that my mind interprets as Bollywood scripts(whether its good or bad, I leave to you to judge ;)). This book is certainly one of them - be it the cinematic opening or hopelessly in love lead characters or the drama with the Tring brothers, you can go on. This book is a tickler, you keep a smile the entire time you are reading it.

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