
Crab Craft

We read a book called 'Little Jessie's beach fun' and did this crab craft to go with the book's theme. The nice thing about doing crafts is that it not only triggers imagination but also interesting questions, sometimes simple ones that we miss to notice. When we were adding eyes and mouth to our crab, my daughter asked if crabs have nose. And errr, I have never given enough attention to crabs in the first place, leave alone their noses. The answer is that crabs don't have nostrils like we do. They have gills to breathe and use 'Chemoreception'(using chemical signals) for smell. 

Coming back to the craft, this is a simple one for the very young. I traced the hands of my LO on a red construction paper. Somehow, my daughter loves the idea of getting her hand traced :) Then I drew two claws on the same paper and let her color it. 
Then we cut out these shapes and glued them on as shown and added eyes and mouth.


  1. Oh this is easy, and seems like loads of fun. Will try this out. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Yes Shantala 😊, Do try it.. I tend to overlook simple ones at times but these are the ones that are actually enjoyed by little ones greatly.

  2. ohh this is so cool :D haven't seen this one before :D


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