
The Mystery of the missing Iguana

Book Title: The Mystery of the missing Iguana
Author: Ruchira Khanna
Genres: Kids
Rating: 4

Alex and his pet chimpanzee Angelo are the young detectives of their neighborhood. When a friend's pet Iguana goes missing, Alex and Angelo immediately take on the case, and the sneaky reptilian leads them on an exciting chase. How will alex and Angelo use their sleuthing skills to solve this mystery?


Meet Alex & his pet chimp, Angelo and watch them in action solving the case of a missing Iguana. What a delightful little story! I absolutely love to introduce new things to my toddler through books and this book made me think, mystery? Why not? Infact, what fun! 

I loved how the Author set the story in a setting that a pre-schooler can  easily relate to. Iguana is a fun addition too :) I felt better illustrations could have given a better reading experience.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks Gayatri.
    I am glad you enjoyed the iguana :)

    thanks for your time to read and review


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