
Matches made in Heaven

Book Title: Matches made in Heaven
Author: Sundari Venkatraman
Genres: Fiction
Rating: 3
A collection of 13 romantic short stories based in India; a culture rich country steeped in tradition. Inspiration struck me from newspaper articles, TV shows and hearing people talk. The short stories are based on that fact that arranged marriages thrive right alongside love matches in India.


Matches made in Heaven, a collection of romantic short stories, would make a blissful read when you are on a flight for a vacation or getting a pedicure done or hmm, u get the drift right? Relaxed and joyful and pampered.  The stories are straightforward, the characters unassuming. All the stories have been based on a spark of thought from real life. The transition from one story to next was quick and easy, given that I read a handful of stories at a time. On a similar note, I wish the Author had avoided repeating the same style of describing the character's appearance and their romantic encounters.
The fact that I gave it a 3 star is mostly about me. I always expect a book to have an effect on me, linger on my mind for sometime. May be, just may be, i would have enjoyed it more if the stories were unusual ones, love blossoming at an unusual situation, between unusual people, even one with an unusual ending!
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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reading and reviewing my book of short stories, Gayathri


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