
Madly in Love, with ME!

Today's topic on Tamil TV talk show Neeya Naana was something I was thinking about last week. The discussion was about promoting and projecting one self(Warning: Extreme prattle ahead!). With the social media(blogs included) providing the perfect spot light, its a Me, Myself, Mine era.

Its the time for Selfies, "Me time"s and self-indulgence. You read, watch, eat, drink, feel, ponder and celebrate on social media. There is a 'Me' in the real world and there is a 'Me' in the virtual world. Slowly and silently, the idealist in everyone takes over and envelops the real 'Me' in the virtual world. The gap between the two 'Me's grows in proportion to the flaws that I want to overcome, those I wish I never had. Those who know the real 'Me' develop a distaste for the virtual 'Me' that I am not. Those who know the virtual 'Me' have trouble adapting to the real 'Me'. Projecting oneself falsely or rather idealistically happens in real world too but the problem with the virtual world is the amount of control one has in doing so. The point am trying to make is not about the pros or cons of the social media. Rather, its about the transformation that is happening within us. There is a perspective shift from earning something to deserving something. A surge in the level of consciousness about self. Letting go of the consciousness happens consciously too. And sadly, we want the world to know that as well.


  1. I think even in real world social situations (like parties, outings, etc.) people behave in the same 'idealistic' way. We want to project ourselves better than we are, and I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Unless, we get so obsessed with the 'I am great(est)' concept where we deceive ourselves, and start doing silly things.

    If our virtual projection is for short bursts of joy, it should be fine. But if it becomes an obsession and addiction, there is something amiss.

    Destination Infinity

  2. Exactly! Am only concerned about the extreme obsessed situation. Thanks for sharing your views..


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