
A Child's Play ;)

A picture post! This was the play area I setup for my LO in the corner of my living room. I really liked this space though I wished I had an entire room :) I regret for not taking a good quality pic that shows the complete stuff.
The part under the table was done completely out of diaper boxes and other cardboard boxes.The box above the table held stuff like books from the library, puzzles with many pieces, small magnetic letters etc that I did not want her to pick on her own(not anymore!). Above this toy box, I had pasted alphabet flash cards which is not shown in the picture. I particularly liked the small containers tied to the gate on the side as it was at the right height for the kiddo and neatly held small toys. We tucked in folded play tents behind the gate and that was perfect too.

The reason for posting this is that we are moving to another home soon and this is going to be dismantled and discarded! Am looking forward to see how the setup at the new home is going to turn out!


  1. A picture is always prettier than reality Bikram ;)

  2. Lovely organization. I am better at making a mess, than cleaning it up!

  3. Aah!! Don't discard it. Maghathi loved the play area and the kitchen toy and she wants to do it for her too..I'm saving the diaper boxes ;)

    1. Cool, I will give back some of the moving boxes then ;) But the play area can't be moved so its going away :( Kitchen needs some serious tinkering, if M says yes to move that will repair it!


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