
Follow Every Rainbow

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Though I have been wanting to read Rashmi Bansal's books for quite sometime, this book made me take the plunge immediately as its of much relevance to me personally, being an inspirational book on Women Entrepreneurs. 
Am at that crossroad in my life currently, where am forced by circumstances to either slow down a bit and solve the more important life's priorities before its too late or dance like a joker trying to balance work and home. I chose the former. Though I have never regretted my decision till date, building a second career, if possible in a varied field of interest than my first career , is always at the back of my mind. 

I loved everything about the book. Firstly, the book title, which is a phrase from a song in 'Sound of Music' and gives enough motivation to pursue something varied and look out for opportunities.

Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
'Till you find your dream.
A dream that will need
All the love you can give,
Every day of your life
For as long as you live

Secondly, the grouping of the entrepreneurs as Lakshmi, Durga and Saraswathi -  the `ghar ki lakshmis` who brought wealth and prosperity to the home by co-opting family members into their business; those who had to fight for survival and rose to the challenge, slaying demons within & without and those  armed with a professional education and are carving out an identity through entrepreneurship respectively. Am not getting into the details of those who are featured and my favorites as each one of the story gives you something or the other to be inspired.

Thirdly, even within the sections (Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswathi) and across the book, there are entrepreneurs from varied fields. Though my favourite section happens to be Saraswathi which is more relevant to me, I enjoyed reading every other story as each one provides you with valuable insights. In addition, each story ends with an Advice to Entrepreneurs from the featured Entrepreneur. Especially, I feel more confident after observing the fact that many of the featured Entrepreneurs have taken the plunge at a later stage in life post their motherhood and that hard work and perseverance is more important than the age that are mere numbers.

Last but not the least, the Helping hands section on various courses and opportunities that's an eye opener for women who have the motivation but lack direction.

The only complaint I have, which is mentioned by the Author herself as a feedback she gets from many, is that there is liberal use of Hindi throughout the book which I feel doesn't add any value. 

Overall, a great read for those who want to pursue something in life to keep them motivated till they make things work and even for those who are already into the bandwagon.
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  1. Hi Gayathri,

    I have nominated your blog for the Liebster Award.
    Please check my page and accept it :)
    And keep writing !!

  2. Aarthy,
    Thanks a ton for this nomination. I actually logged in to post a 'be right back' message on my blog and saw your message :)

    I will do a detailed post in a couple of days. Thanks for the motivation :-)

  3. I have read bansal's I have a dream...Though I wanted to read her other books I must confess that I mostly miss the catch up with my list..Women entrepreneurs seems like an interesting subject...


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